Nail fungus (onychomycosis) can get in the pool or in the sauna, at the gym and on the beach. The disease is accompanied by severe itching and lesions of the skin and of the nail. Gradually the disease leads to the fact that the nail plate is destroyed. Avoid this will help the treatment in a timely manner, for which the need for an effective and modern drugs. It is desirable to choose an economic tool, so that the process of the therapy onychomycosis takes a lot of time.

Onychomycosis and its symptoms
Cholera is a disease is not a threat to the life of man, but accompanied by the unpleasant symptoms and thinning of the nail plate. Following the defeat of the nails economic brittle, loose and very vulnerable to all infections. The disease occurs after infection of a different kind of mushrooms. Onychomycosis develops for a long time, as the fungus needs time to acclimate on the fingernails. Usually, the disease first strikes the nail on the big toe and gradually destroyed. And then the disease spreads to others and the whole of the foot.
The symptoms of the disease are:
- the thickening of the nails due to the intensification of the keratinization of the tissue;
- a change to prepare somebody to make the pink color of the nails yellow, and then brown or black;
- the destruction of the nail plate due to the spread of the fungus throughout its entire thickness;
- itching of the skin surrounding the nail is damaged;
- the bad odor.
An inexpensive and effective pills against the nail fungus. Medication for mushroom with high efficiency. All pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of fungus stop, can be divided into two major groups according to the method of application:
- outside means a bad sign, ointments, creams, sprays, lacquers and allowing the local treatment of the damaged nail;
- the medicines of in-house application stow away the drugs in the form of tablets and capsules, they have antimycotic impact on the body in general.
As well as medications have an impact on the specific type of the pathogen, it is important before starting the treatment to make a diagnosis. This will help you choose the most effective way. On the question of what medicine to choose to fight with onychomycosis and what a pharmaceutical company to prefer the answer can not be. The fungal infection is called by the various pathogens. Therefore, the drugs, showing high effectiveness against a fungus, can be helpless against the other. Preference should be given to medicines, which will refer you to a doctor dermatologist, after a thorough review of the survey and the study of the analyses. Rogue as adjuvant therapy you can use the tools of traditional medicine.
The group azole
These medications for onychomycosis, the main characters are the substances anilide of benzoic acid. They act in two directions:
- destroy the cellular structure of the mold d', with fungicide effects;
- prevent the multiplication of the pathogen, exerting fungistatic influence.
Drugs belonging to this group, to deal effectively with the yeast, the yeast and mould fungi. They are produced in the form of capsules for internal receive and in the form of ointments and creams for local applications. Average external rub infected by the fungus, site of the nail and the skin after the pre-steaming stop. The capsules must be consumed for a doctor. Depending on the severity of the disease, the duration of the course can be from 2 weeks to several months.
The group, allylamino
Tools for local processing belonging to this class of antifungal drugs, it is recommended to apply, if the disease has had time to seize at least half of the surface of the nail and not addressed by the matrix. In other cases, shows the system of therapy of illness with medicines for internal consumption. The means of this group to do well with symptoms of onychomycosis, to relieve the itching, the elimination of the desquamation and sensation of burning. It is recommended that you use against mould fungi, candida, and dermatophytes. In the Face of external use, you need to be a soap dish, registered. to cut off the damaged parts of the plate. The treatment course is very long, more than 6 months.
The group, morpholino
These medicines active force component is amorolfine. They have destroyed the cell membranes of the fungi, inhibited reproduction, and reduces their means of subsistence. . Expensive, the medication is available in the form of varnish, which is a bad sign on the damaged nail. This form allows the time to work on the fungus and protect the healthy tissue of the infection. Unique apply the varnish enough for 10 days, the permanent exhibition. Depending on the degree of severity of the disease, the treatment can last up to a year. In the box, with the exception of the therapeutic varnish, contains 12 disposable napkins, as much of the nail files and 6 applicators quick and easy application. The drug is very effective. Its only drawback is a small volume of the bottle. To eliminate with the help of its symptoms of the infection, quite unique treatment. However, for the complete cure of the infection, you need to use this tool in the course of the year regularly. The group of medicines moravenov are of great efficiency. They are able to quickly enter in the plate and eliminate the pathogen. The duration of treatment is 9 months to 1 year. They were getting rid of many species of fungi. After application on the nail plate is damaged, the therapeutic effect begins to manifest in two days. The treatment takes a lot of time. Even after the complete disappearance of the symptoms, you need to use the medication for another 2 weeks.
The serum and sprays
These tools do not apply to the major groups of antifungal drugs, but are very effective. Enjoy the spray or the serum practice, they are also much less expensive therapeutic varnish. That comes with the medicine is going to typically several disposable blades, it is necessary to clean the surface of the plate before use. Drugs, in this form, are distinguished by their power of penetration, therefore, can quickly destroy the cellular structure of fungi. Some solutions are men for the treatment of the shoe. Their composition is undecylenic acid, which antimikoticeski and antisepticheskoe follows. The medication must be applied on the damaged areas 2-3 times per day until it is never really returned completely healthy nail. The advantage of this tool in its high efficiency, but cannot be used for the treatment of children up to 2 years.
Safe medication for pregnant women
Because of the high toxicity of many antifungal effective pregnant women can not be used. Almost all these medications have many side effects dangerous to the health of the fetus. This is why it is important for pregnant women to start the treatment of onychomycosis as soon as possible. Then the therapy will be limited to the application of safe drugs for local action.
Other inexpensive and effective
The drug cost of the drug is not the final determinant in the choice of the patient. The treatment of onychomycosis is a long process, so it will take more than a package, get rid of the symptoms of the disease. In addition to the already presented tools of the nail fungus of the feet, popularly known drugstore medicine . It has otslaivanie the action and allows you to remove progressively damaged, the disease of the nail. It should be applied after the pre-steaming on the plate of the nail. You need to follow carefully so that the cream does not fall on the skin. For this, it is recommended to paste the cast. After the application it is necessary to put a bandage on and keep it 3 days. Iup has been exfoliated sites of the nail you want to remove. Some anti-fungal, funds are released in the form of ointment or solution. They are effective against many types of infectious agents. Such a tool should be a thin layer spread over the surface of the damaged areas of the skin and slightly rubbed. The duration of therapy is 3 to 4 months. And applying this medication, you can even pregnant women, but since the second quarter. Eliminate the fungus on the initial phase of its spread can be a solution of iodine. To do this, you must apply the product twice a day damaged the surface and the healthy skin around them. Dosage — 1 drop on each plate. Note: you will need to make the bowls, dissolving in 1 liter of warm water with 1 tablespoon of salt and baking soda. A good result gives an application of the trays with the addition of ammonia and oxygenated water:

- 1 part of ammonium chloride;
- 1 part hydrogen peroxide;
- 3 parts water.
Need to connect components in one vessel and lower it with your foot-20 minutes. After the end of the procedure, the skin should wipe is not rinsing.
Remedies against nail fungus
The use of drugs in the list of compositions of alternative medicine cannot be considered as a method of therapy for onychomycosis, but their use may be carried out for the treatment at home. Folk remedies to help reduce the intensity of unpleasant symptoms and to improve the well-being of the patient. Before you begin to use these methods of treatment of yeast infections must consult a dermatologist. Cancel assigned to a doctor of pharmacotherapy not.
The baking soda
This product is used as a base for pasta or therapeutic baths. Baking soda diluted with a little water and applied on the nail plate. After a few minutes, the surface of the grind a slice of lemon. The mixture leave it on for 5 minutes, the chemical reaction occurs between the soda and the citric acid, which is expressed in a hiss. To make the bath-tub, 1 tablespoon of product stir in 5 litres of lukewarm water and drop it on your foot-15 minutes.
The vinegar
Another product that is suitable for the destruction of the fungal infection. To combat onychomycosis it is recommended to use is not normal to eat the vinegar and apple. It has a good anti-bacterial effect and useful for relieving itching. To do this, make it a spa for the feet, dilute the cider vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:10. For compresses mixed 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 3 drops of iodine. The liquid moisten the bandages and damaged nails. At least a compress, you need to keep in 3 hours, but for best effect, it is recommended to leave it for the night.
Another recipe:
- 3 protein chicken eggs;
- equal to the volume of the quantity of rubbing alcohol;
- equal to the volume of the quantity of vinegar.
Preparation and application:
- The protein mix thoroughly with alcohol, and then put in the vinegar.
- Soak a cotton pad and gauze resulting from liquid.
- Attach to the nail, to secure the glue.
- Wrap them in plastic wrap and put warm socks.
- Keep the whole night.
This is another useful tool in the fight against onychomycosis. To eliminate infections apply of a drink, and a piece of mushroom:
- A part of the mushroom to brush the film and grind in a blender to a paste. It is a tool to rub it in the damaged areas. The procedure to be performed up to 3 times per day.
- Make a compress damaged nail with kombucha mushroom. On top of driving up to his film and put dense socks. Keep the tool all night.
The application of kombucha gradually leads to the detachment of the damaged parts of the nail and the enhancement of the growth of healthy tissue.
Garlic or onion
The antibacterial properties of these vegetables help to fight against yeast infections. For the treatment it is sufficient to grind a little of the arc or of the clove of garlic into a paste, mix with butter and rub it into the afflicted location. To do such a procedure, you must in the evening. Pre-feet étuvent soda bath dishes.
A good result gives an application of the bath with the juice of garlic:
- 1 part garlic juice;
- 10 parts of water;
- 1 part of rubbing alcohol.
Need to connect components in the side of the shallow basin and place it in the liquid of the foot. The procedure should be done three times a day for 5 minutes.
Propolis tincture
The healing properties of this product of beekeeping help get rid of many diseases. Effectively apply the propolis tincture on damaged by the nail fungus. You can also make bowls, adding 1 liter of warm water 1 tablespoon alcohol -, or oil infusion. The duration of the procedure 10 minutes. After it, it is necessary to clean exfoliate areas of skin or fingernails, wipe the skin and wear cotton socks.
It is another folk remedy popular, helps to get rid of the fungal of the defeat of the nails. His poison juice destroys the cellular structure of the fungus and inhibits reproduction. Celandine, you can use separately or together with other medicinal plants in the form of decoctions, tinctures, or oil.
Ingredients for dyeing:
- 100 g of juice of fruit of the plant;
- 100 g of vodka.
Preparation and use:
- The juice pressed connect with of the vodka in the glass of the tank.
- Withstand 7 days in a dark room.
- To apply the tool of pre-steamed feet.
- Repeat the procedure three times per day.
The decoction of celandine:
- 20 g of dry grass;
- 1 litre of water.
Preparation and use:
- The components to unite and put over low heat.
- Wait until boiling and boil for 5 minutes.
- Give the broth to cool and strain through a cheesecloth.
- Dilute half with water.
- Immerse in a bath of the feet for 30 minutes.
Essential oils from plants
For the treatment of onychomycosis, it is recommended to use the oil extracts of plants and plant extracts. Particularly effective in this effect of the tea tree oil, celandine, lemon, cinnamon, pine, clove, oregano, lavender, thyme, rosemary. The essential oils in the pure state on the skin is not applied. It should be mixed with base oils: coconut, olive, jojoba or sunflower oil. The mixture treat exclusively of the damaged area of the skin and nails. On the health of the epidermis, the tool can't begin a serious itching and burning.